Theological Institute
The BCC Theological Institute was envisioned over 40 years ago by Bishop Roy Bryant Sr., D.D., Founder, and President. The Lord, Jesus Christ led him to create a center of biblical learning. Our institute welcomes students from diverse backgrounds to study the Word of God. Thousands of students have received certificates from the school and have achieved their various degrees through our Bible-based program. The Institute offers several classes some of which include: Demonology, Christian Workers, Evangelism, General Bible, Teacher's Training, Post Graduate and more. Dr. Roy Bryant Sr's vision became a reality on November 2, 1976. (CLICK HERE TO APPLY)

General Bible
This course is designed for those who want a comprehensive knowledge of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. If you desire an excellent working knowledge of subjects such as the Old and New Testament Synthesis the Seven Dispensations, Personal Divine Life, and a variety of other subjects which will greatly enhance your ministry, then register for this course. This is a two-year course.

This course is prescribed especially for those who feel called to the evangelistic ministry and want to prepare for the field and learn about the works of Evangelism. Furthermore, it provides ample training ground for students, especially since it requires more speaking assignments. Students will learn how to be more effective servants for Christ. Taking this course does not qualify one to be an Evangelist or go out and evangelize. This course can be completed in one year. Advanced is a two-year course.

This course is directed to invade the kingdom of Satan and to enlighten the student about the works of Satan and his demons. Due to the lack of knowledge, many are not able to discern the difference between the flesh and the spirit. Jesus said, “search the scriptures: they are they which testify of me.” Each student will have the opportunity to research the scriptures to identify the works of satan throughout the Bible. Students will graduate upon the completion of their three-year and six-year course, and the studious student will be skilled and sensitive to the Holy Spirit. This is also an advanced course to further your studies beyond the six-year term.

New Converts
This is a course primarily for newborn babes in Christ (those knowing Christ for one year or less) who simply want to get to know the Lord better through His word. These students study the Bible and gain spiritual insights through this 1-hour course as well as the knowledge of life application principles for new converts. This class is for one-year.

Christian Workers
The Christian Workers course is prescribed for those who have a special burden for soul-winning. Also, if you desire to adapt yourself to the various aspects of the Gospel ministry, from Sunday School to the Missionary Department, then register for this course. This course is for one year.

Advanced Pedagogy
This course is prescribed for those students who have successfully completed the Post-Graduate in Theology course and would like to continue their Christian education. This course includes challenging subjects such as Genesis in the light of Modern Research (including knowledge and critiques of “Higher Criticism” and the so-called Documentary Hypothesis), Evolutionary teaching compared with Genesis, the Life and Times of Jesus, the Messiah (named after the required text), Anthropology, Apologetics (defending the faith), Political Theology and a variety of other subjects. This course can be completed in two years.

Teacher Training
This course is designed especially for those who have the serious responsibility of teaching Sunday School. This course emphasizes the importance of dealing with the problems of the young in every aspect of life, from the cradle to the college level. So, if you are among those blessed with the privilege of training and channeling life through the various stages; or if you are looking forward to teaching in a Bible school. College, or seminary, then you are encouraged to register for this course. This course can be completed beyond the General Bible Course.

Post-Graduate in Theology
In a day when secular schools and some religious institutions are denying the Faith, the serious-minded believer would want to be qualified and equipped to cope with the rising tide of skepticism. Education is on the ascendancy, not merely in America, but all over the civilized world. So if you feel the need for someone to meet the challenge of our day, then remember that you are that someone. You will study the Sciences as they relate to the Bible, Comparative Religion, Systematic Theology, etc. This course will help you enhance the ministry gifts God has given you. Registration for this course is highly recommended. This course can be completed in two years beyond the General Bible course.

Youth Expression
This is a one-year course and provides an opportunity for the youth to study the Word of God at an early age and designed to help and prepare the youth for Christian Service.

Spanish for Beginners
Students will learn to read, write, and speak Spanish.

Computer for Beginners
These classes are designed for those interested in computer basics. The Beginner’s Class is designed to teach students how to log into the computer, use the mouse, type with two hands, learn keystrokes; navigate through Microsoft Windows/Word, generate documents, save, and open documents; and general computer skills.

Computers for Beginners 2
These classes will help reinforce computer skills and students will acquire additional knowledge relating to Microsoft Word, creating, editing, and renaming documents, relating folders, creating, and opening e-mails, and attaching documents to an e-mail; storing files on flash drives and/or CDs and more.